Let us help you navigate the expertise and opportunities offered by the University of Illinois at Chicago. Here you’ll find world-changing ideas, your latest breakthrough, and resources that will transform your company. Our team works with companies of all sizes to create a custom plan to achieve a variety of goals. Make your next move with us.

  • Research

    Amplify your next research investment by working with academic researchers who provide skills that do not exist currently in the industry.

    • Product Development• Technology Licensing
    • Clinical Trials• Core Facilities
    • Student Research Projects• Sponsored Research
  • Recruit

    Support the future of your industry by creating and providing scholarships, internships, or apprenticeships.

    • Scholarships/Fellowships• Internships
    • Apprenticeships/Mentorships• Senior Design Projects
  • Professional Education

    Educate your staff through corporate training and fulfill missing proficiencies through continuing education.

    • Executive Leaderships Skills• Online Adult Learning
    • Professional Development Programs• Customized Courses or Programs
    • Thought Leadership

  • Strategic Giving

    Explore opportunities to support the university, such as naming opportunities, event sponsorship, and capital project support.

    • Naming Opportunities• Event Sponsorship
    • Capital Project Support• Programmatic Support
    • On-Campus Marketing / Branding Opportunities

Alan Koncarevic, PhD Heading link

Assistant Vice Chancellor for Innovation and Corporate Partnerships

601 S. Morgan St, 2514 University Hall, MC 002, Chicago, Illinois 60607
  • 200 + Past and current corporate partners

  • 3,000 + Scholarships, internships and apprenticeships placed.

Business, Nonprofit and Government Educational Partnerships Heading link

UIC Innovation is committed to being an educational resource for a variety of stakeholders.

We recognize that businesses, nonprofits, government agencies, and municipalities have specific educational needs. We pride ourselves on being a responsive, accessible, single point of contact to the University and offer a variety of tailored solutions to meet your organizational goals.

Examples of our educational solutions include:

  • Businesses: growing individual careers or training an entire team on a new competency
  • Nonprofits: improving  your team’s abilities to respond to community needs, leverage strategic partnerships, and/or successfully pursue fundraising opportunities
  • Government: enhancing your team’s capabilities in responding to community concerns or meeting regulatory requirements

Whether you need a single course, a non-credit certificate, or a full degree program for your employees, UIC Innovation can help. For more information such as bringing a course on-site to your organization or group tuition discounts, contact us: