IIN seeking social innovation proposals
Illinois Innovation Network is looking for presenters to highlight their important work on social innovation at upcoming workshop
The Social Innovation Subcommittee of the Illinois Innovation Network's Entrepreneurship Committee is hosting a virtual Social Innovation Workshop next month and is seeking presenters from IIN hubs/institutions to highlight their important work on social innovation in Illinois. The IIN invites you to submit a proposal to present a 10-minute virtual breakout session at this workshop, followed by a Q&A session. The workshop will connect interdisciplinary practitioners and academics and multi-sector professionals who are looking for ideas to expand collaborative opportunities for social innovation in Illinois.
Social Innovation Workshop Heading link

Social Innovation Workshop
April 11, 2022
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Submission focus areas for this workshop include sustainability, equity, digital literacy, food insecurity, community engagement, or other areas of social innovation or entrepreneurship, broadly defined, as relevant to the state of Illinois.
Submission link: https://forms.uofi.uis.edu/sec/639238221
Deadline to apply: Wednesday, March 23 at 5:00 PM
Questions may be directed to the co-chairs of the Social Innovation Subcommittee:
Jill Bowers, jbowers2@eiu.edu
Molly Lamb, mehle01s@uis.edu